STR v EURIBOR: the battle of the euro benchmark

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However, banks developed significant money market activity with other entities, such as money market funds, insurance companies and other financial corporations. For that reason, all of these counterparties play an important role in the wholesale funding mix of banks and are therefore considered relevant for determining wholesale borrowing costs. The ECB makes no representations or warranties, express or implied, as to the currency, accuracy, timeliness, completeness, merchantability or fitness for purpose of the rate or the information. As an alternative to a forward-looking rate, it is possible to use a so-called ‘backward-looking term-rate,’ such as compounding or averaging the overnight rates to create a risk-free rate capable of use in the loan market.

  1. Second, expert judgement, if provided by a central bank, might be interpreted as being related to the (desired) monetary policy stance; this might create, or be perceived as creating, a conflict of interest.
  2. It appears therefore that rather than the creation of an alternative benchmark based on €STR for use in the cash markets in its own right, the Euro Working Group is focusing its attention on reforming and strengthening EURIBOR, perhaps with the intention that it continues to be used in the cash markets.
  3. The compounded €STR average rates and index are published via the ECB’s Market Information Dissemination (MID) platform as well as through the ECB Data Portal.
  4. The difference between trimming at 25% compared to 10% on the trimmed mean is very limited, with only around 0.1 basis points on average (see Second public consultation), while the 25% trimming shows less day to day volatility, and is thus the selected choice for the €STR.
  5. EONIA rates were significantly higher than ESTR, so some contracts might see a difference in the rates they are given.

The rate will be published by the ECB, using algorithms that will prevent the rate being impacted by anomalous trades and patterns.

Register and create your customized data and publication lists, receive notifications on data updates and stay up to date with the ECB Data Portal newsletter. On this page you will find tables and graphs with the current and historical ESTER interest rates. Finally, there are already a number of existing repo benchmarks, which the ECB welcomes as the availability of more benchmarks will allow users to choose the most suitable one for their needs. The ECB identified a need for preliminary figures, called pre-€STR, to be published prior to the full release.

Euro short-term rate – Calculation method, Daily – businessweek

The broad scope of the €STR guarantees that the rate is a fair reflection of the overnight borrowing cost for banks in the wholesale market, in which not only banks but also a number of other different entities interact. Some of these entities may not have access to the Eurosystem monetary policy operations (because they are non-banks or are located outside the euro area), which means that the rates of the Eurosystem facilities will not strictly serve as a lower or upper bound for the rate of their transactions. As a result, such transactions may be conducted at a rate below the deposit facility rate or above the marginal lending facility rate. For example, in conditions of abundant excess liquidity, the €STR would be expected to be below the deposit facility rate.

what is estr

If that were the intention, the scope of the ECB rate would have to be reduced to only the interbank market, where counterparties are banks with access to the ECB facilities. This, however, would result in a lack of data and therefore the final rate may not be considered robust. As explained in the second ECB public consultation, day-to-day fluctuations in volume can be considered part of how markets function. Such changes could relate to calendar effects or local holidays in the various euro area countries. MMSR data show that, even on days with reduced volumes, those volumes are generated by a fairly large number of reporting banks with no additional concentration of activity, therefore a rate calculation based on lower volumes could be seen as robust and unbiased.

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Once their daily values are published, both the compounded €STR average rates and the compounded €STR index are considered final; they are not subsequently changed or revised. However, LIBOR started to decline in use following the scandal in 2012, in which major financial institutions manipulated the LIBOR rate. This increased the demand for a transaction-based system and led to the creation of replacement indices. For example, the selected alternative rate in the US is the secured overnight financing rate (SOFR), and the new rate in the UK is the reformed sterling overnight index average (SONIA). The London interbank offered rate (LIBOR) is the average of 35 different benchmark interest rates that cover five major currencies – the US dollar, euro, British pound, Japanese yen and Swiss franc.

what is estr

Now we are faced with the question of whether market participants will cling to EURIBOR or heed to the advice of regulators and move across to risk-free rates. With certain other jurisdictions (such as Australia and Hong Kong) also independently considering a transition to risk-free rates, parties may be incentivised to make the transition now. However, with attention focused on strengthening EURIBOR and little emphasis on developing an €STR rate fit for use in the cash markets, this may be difficult to do. Moreover, trimming is used to reduce the impact of significant outliers on the computation of the €STR; the threshold of 25% was found in the second public consultation to be close to optimal in reducing the variability of the rate in a day to day basis while ensuring a broad calculation basis. The difference between trimming at 25% compared to 10% on the trimmed mean is very limited, with only around 0.1 basis points on average (see Second public consultation), while the 25% trimming shows less day to day volatility, and is thus the selected choice for the €STR. Yet, the critical question for market participants is which option to use – whilst there is encouragement from regulators to move across to risk-free rates (and therefore use €STR), there is the option for continuity and certainty offered by the newly reformed EURIBOR.

The position of the rate in relation to the Eurosystem policy rates, however, does not mean that the rate will be unable to respond to changes in the policy rates. In fact, since the €STR reflects a liquid market with multiple participants and therefore competitive pricing, these prices are expected to follow the direction of the policy rates. A final factor to take into account during any decision-making process is a possible withdrawal of EURIBOR at a later stage. While regulators have been supportive of the reforms to EURIBOR, prior attempts to move to a methodology based entirely on transactional data had proven unsuccessful and we have therefore defaulted to a hybrid methodology.

It may be that overtime, there are deficient levels of transactional data, therefore prompting reliance on level 3 of the hybrid methodology more frequently. Should that be the case, it may be desirable for the market to reconsider its options for EURIBOR and look to other alternatives (such as a forward or backward-looking term rate for €STR). As further evidence of this, it would be remiss not to note that prior to the FCA’s decision to discontinue LIBOR, a hybrid methodology had also been discussed for LIBOR and yet the FCA determined that such an option was not sustainable based on transaction volumes and therefore proposed the discontinuation.

Euro short-term rate – Rate at 75th percentile of volume, Daily – businessweek

However, whilst this would only be feasible once there was sufficient liquidity in the €STR derivatives market, their recommendation was not discussed in the context of a forward-looking €STR term rate for use in the loan market as is being considered for other LIBOR replacement rates. Instead, it was suggested as a fallback for EURIBOR-linked contracts, should EURIBOR be unavailable. It appears therefore that rather than the creation of an alternative benchmark based on €STR for use in the cash markets in its own right, the Euro Working Group is focusing its attention on reforming and strengthening EURIBOR, perhaps with the intention that it continues to be used in the cash markets. The broader scope of the €STR is intended to respond to the developments of the wholesale market in recent years. More specifically, the share of the interbank market in the wholesale market became smaller owing to a reassessment of counterparty risks, changing regulations and liquidity conditions.

EONIA rates were significantly higher than ESTR, so some contracts might see a difference in the rates they are given. However, it is likely that in order to standardise the process, all borrowing contracts will adopt the new interest rates. The data will be completely regulated by the EU’s Money Market Statistical Reporting Regulations, to provide financial stability and be less susceptible to manipulation.

The €STR statement of compliance provides an overview of how the ECB administers the €STR and a self-assessment of how the governance, quality and accountability processes that have been put in place for the €STR comply with each IOSCO principle. The statement has been confirmed by an external audit company in an independent assurance report. The ECB communication policy on €STR takes account of the principles of impartiality, reliability,objectivity and statistical confidentiality. Find background information on the €STR including how to download the latest and previous data.

In the second ECB public consultation, a number of respondents expressed concern that the proposed trimming value of 25% would be too high and could undermine the rate’s representativeness. However, the trimming value does not affect the rate representativeness, and in fact improves the stability and resilience of the €STR. Compounded €STR average rates over standardised tenors, as well as a compounded €STR index, are published in the ECB Data Portal.

Euro Short-Term Rate (ESTR) definition

Below we consider some of the factors that parties may want to take into account when making this important decision. The legal status of the reporting banks as MMSR reporting agents will not change following the release of the €STR. The €STR will be based exclusively on the statistical information on transactions reported to the ECB or the NCBs under the MMSR.

The 47 reporting banks are spread across ten euro area countries (Belgium, Germany, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Italy, Netherlands, Austria and Finland). The ESTR is replacing the previous euro overnight index average (EONIA) and euro interbank offered rate (EURIBOR) to become the benchmark for the European Union (EU) and European Free Trade Association (EFTA). This is because EURIBOR and EONIA failed to meet the requirements set out in the EU’s new benchmark regulations, which states that all interbank rates must be based on data rather than estimates and surveys.

Regarding the representativeness, the trimmed mean – like the arithmetic mean and the median – is a measure of the central tendency of the distribution of rates, and existing MMSR data confirm that the characteristics of the distribution of rates are such that the trimmed mean is a proper measure of this central tendency. Any change in market dynamics that leads to deterioration in market liquidity would need to be considered in a regular or ad-hoc reassessment of the methodology of the rate. The ECB published the €STR for the first time on 2 October 2019, reflecting trading activity on 1 October 2019. Advanced filters do not interact with the filters above and will restrict the original set of results. However, the very limited volumes captured by the MMSR and the quite volatile rate behaviour were seen as reasons not to include short-term papers in the computation of the €STR at this stage.

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